Uncategorized - ZertID

ZertID: Mitigating Insider Threats with Strategic IGA.

Organisations today face a plethora of security challenges, and one of the most complex and potentially damaging threats comes from within. Insider threats, which are risks posed by employees, contractors, or other authorised personnel, have become increasingly prevalent and devastating. … Read More

ZertID Receives Prestigious Recognition as a ‘Leading Identity Governance and Administration Vendor’ by Gartner in 2023

Gartner describes the identity governance and administration environment as being one where IGA provides administrative control of digital identities and access rights across multiple systems. It must accomplish this for a multitude of users and in real-time settings. It is … Read More

Introducing the first ever ServiceNow-native Privileged Access Management solution

Remote work is here to stay no matter how many fans Elon Musk has. In fact Elon must have lost fans (and we know he has lost staff) with his ‘Return to Work’ mandate. According to a global study of … Read More

A ‘Workflow Revolution’ is Coming to Enterprise Security

Workflows lie at the heart of everything we do – literally. A workflow is involved in everything from making our morning coffee to carrying out complex innovations or research projects at work. Workflows are designed to connect tasks and teams … Read More

Journey to Zero Trust begins with identity

Zero Trust framework is rapidly becoming a de-facto standard of the industry as far as the security posture is concerned. Unlike traditional systems, the Zero Trust framework relies on a presumption – nobody on the network can be trusted at … Read More

Evolving trends in IAM and IGA set to flourish in 2022 and beyond

Originally published in Economic Times CISO: https://etciso.in/s/7cnww8j Accelerated digital transformation coupled with increasing adoption of hybrid work culture continues to pave the way for unique business models across the world. Hyper-connected digital business environments place enterprises under immense pressure to … Read More

Why should enterprises take a Zero Trust approach for their IDAM workflows

“In a digital world, trust is a vulnerability; and Zero Trust is the way to secure it” An ever-expanding remote workforce in the face of the pandemic is forcing companies to redefine network security. Between unsecured home WiFi networks and … Read More

ZertID – Intelligent Identity & Access Management For ServiceNow Customers

It’s 2021 and customer experience is of prime importance – be it in any kind of industry. However, what about those who are responsible for delivering exceptional customer and user experiences to the customers? In this post, we talk about … Read More

3 Reasons Why Enterprises Need Identity & Access Management to Safeguard their Business

Identity and access management (IAM) in enterprise IT is about defining and managing the roles and access privileges of individual network users and the circumstances in which users are granted (or denied) those privileges. Those users might be customers (customer … Read More

Identity Security Workflows Using ZertID – A Fresh Approach to Identity Security

In the post-COVID world, we have more remote access, Cloud and BYO devices that ever before. Every organisation needs security solutions that can lock, block and protect against newer types of attacks as well as increased exposure surface. In 2019: … Read More